MOTA HERRAMIENTAS S.L. is a company which is exclusively devoted to manufacturing professional tools.
Throughout the years, our company has develomped 24 products lines which combine quality, design and excellent working.

It is there for Mota Herramientas task to giveour customers and hardware distributors a high degree of satisfaction.

In order to do so, we have developed technically reliable products whose prices are really competitive,
offering as well a liftime guarantee in hands tools and a excellent relationship cost-benefit in all our product lines.

In our plants located in Barcelona, Spain, our company keeps a permanent stock to supply our distributors demands both nationally and internationally.

Our employees totally understand our company is basic guidelines and in this way, our team has develomped a highly efficient task, leading
Mota Herramientas
to a high technical level as regards manufacturing and quality, of which all the peolple who are part of the company are proud.


All the products Mota offers in the different markets are the result of a long process starting with the design of the tool, its presentation and the way in which it exhibited in the shop where it is sold.

Thanks to all this, the users find an attractive, ergonomic product which comes with precise instructions and which provides them with a high degree of perfomance.


MOTA HERRAMIENTAS S.L. exports el 80% of its products, proving its solid exporting vocation in the facts.

Among our markets, the Latin American stands out, and Mota has been exporting products withing it for more than 20 years.

it is worth mentioning that our present catalogue has been issued with prices in euros, American dollars and local currencies for different countries.


In keeping with its policy of solidarity , MOTA developed in Argentina , a campaign in support of the technical schools will be extended to other countries in the region. DONATED OVER 140 TOOLS TECHNICAL SCHOOLS .
These young students will be part of the next generation of technical and surely will be the most loyal consumers . Also conducted an intercollegiate competition technical videos on the proper use of tools , managing the participation of many educational institutions in different provinces.
In January 2014 and 2015 MOTA tools donated to " A Roof for My Country " collaborating with the noble task that develops international organization .


Internationally it is worth noting MOTA growth in Latin America. Uruguay , Chile, Paraguay , Peru , Bolivia , Ecuador , Panama and Dominican Republic are countries following the footsteps of Argentina at different stages of their processes.

Their participation in international trade fairs in the region we highlight Expoferretera of Peru , Automechanika Argentina in 2012 and Expoferretera of Argentina 2013 and 2015.

Among international measures to promote the brand stand being sponsor of the Copa Libertadores Sub -20 and their participation in a World Cup Soccer Championship Series 2014.



The competition teams are exceedingly demanding when choosing your official tool .

2011 Honda Racing Super TC 2000 MOTA elected as Official Tools of the Petrobras team .
TC2000 is the largest category of technical development in Latin America.

2012 Mota was Argentinean driver Juan Cochito Lopez Official Sponsor,
with his Ferrari 458 participated with outstanding performance in the European GT OPEN category .

2012 Renault Sport Team category of Super TC2000 Argentina MOTA elected as Official Tools .
Winning championships and machinery brands .

2013 with Renault TC2000 Sub Champion Trademark & Equipment 2013
Leonel Pernia your 1st pilot , Sub Champion

I2013 Renault Duster Team Tool Official of outstanding performance in the Rally DAKAR 2013. ( Peru - Argentina - Chile)

2014 with Renault TC2000 Sub Champion Trademark & Equipment 2014
Leonel Pernia your 1st pilot , Sub Champion

2014 was chosen DAKAR 2014 Official Tool . ( Argentina - Bolivia - Chile)

2015 was chosen DAKAR 2015 Official Tool . ( Argentina - Bolivia - Chile)

2017 was chosen DAKAR 2017 Official Tool . (
Paraguay - Bolivia - Argentina)

2018 was chosen DAKAR 2018 Official Tool . ( Perú - Bolivia - Argentina)

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